Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Back From Surgery

Arnold Schwarzenegger actor, former body builder and former governor of California, who underwent surgery to replace a valve that was originally replaced 20 years ago is back.

Spokesman Daniel Ketchell said in a  statement on twitter that, the original replacement pulmonic valve, which Schwarzenegger received in 1997, outlasted its life expectancy, so the former California governor chose to have valve replacement by catheter.

According to the statement, he is recovering and in stable condition at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles, when he woke up his first statement was ''I am back''.

The 70 years old Ausrian-American actor, who was the youngest person to win Mr olympia in 1970 at the age of 23 keeps his fan cheerful, by announcing  this.

Wish him Save recovery.