Sunday, April 15, 2018

Causes Of Gaining Weight

A group of researchers in Spain identified key habits that promote a poor-quality diet . 

This includes things like frequenting fast-food restaurants, snacking from vending machines and eating while watching TV.

According to, the researchers also determined that significant weight gain usually isn't due to just one bad habit, but rather to a combination of many habit

They followed 1,600 people for up to four years, focusing on the effects of seven specific unhealthy habits without planning how much you're going to eat.
Some of the main reason which lead to weight gain include:

1.Consuming pre-cooked or canned food.
2.Buying snacks.
3.Eating in fast-food restaurants.
4.Not choosing low-calorie foods.
5.Not removing visible fat from meat or skin from chicken.
6.Eating while watching TV or sitting on the sofa.

The researchers found out that, the more these unhealthy habits people had keeps running, the more they are likely  to gain weight over time.

It is found that, three habits had the strongest tie to weight gain.This are
i. Not planning the amount of food you're going to eat.
ii. Eating at fast-food restaurants
iii. Eating while watching TV.

This 3 habits are the most popular and are not easy to break.