Wednesday, April 18, 2018

United Kingdom Plans €50 million To Fight Malaria In Nigeria

The United Kingdom is set to commit £50 million (N25,757,154,000.00) to malaria programme in Nigeria even as it pledged £9.2 million to fund new research on development of new triple Artemisinin Combination Treatments.

This was said ahead of the Malaria Summit London 2018, co-hosted by the governments of Rwanda, Swaziland and the UK.

The UK government re-affirmed its commitment to spend £500 million a year on malaria through to 2020 to 2021.m, as part of this, the UK announced a further £100 million match fund commitment to the Global Fund to match new contributions from private donors pound for pound.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will extend its investments in malaria with additional $1 billion through to 2023 by fund R&D efforts and reduce the burden of the disease towards ending malaria for good.

The commitment was in response to the global malaria community appeal to Commonwealth leaders to make a game-changing commitment to halve malaria across the Commonwealth within the next five years.

This they said would prevent 350 million cases of malaria and save 650,000 lives, predominately children and pregnant women who are most at risk.