Sunday, January 27, 2019

I Didn’t Defraud GTB, Says Chima Anyaso

Businessman and managing director of Ceecon Energy Oil and Gas Limited, Dr. Chima Anyaso who is also the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, House or Representative’s candidate for the forth coming general election has said that the allegations of fraud against him by GTBank are merely orchestrated to tarnish his image as his company did not defraud GTBank rather the said amount is an accumulation of unverified bank charges by the bank.

Based on deposition contained in a preliminary objection filed by the oil and gas tycoon,who is a 38 years old entrepreneur stated that the original sum in dispute with GTBank was only 186 million Naira since 2011.
“the imposition of unacceptable and unwarranted charges on the accounts of the Ceecon Energy Oil & Gas Limited led to a serious dispute between the parties as to the exact state of the accounts, and what sum, if any, is outstanding”.
What GTB is also not telling the world is that CEECON secured its loan with prime properties and assets valued by GTB’s Valuer at over N4Billion in 2008 and still appreciating. Which places Ceecon as a very SECURED DEBTOR by all standard even as at this date. Title documents to these properties are still with GTBANK.
While an appeal filed by Ceecon Energy Oil & Gas Limited was still pending
On the 23rd of February, 2017, an invitation was received from the IGP’s office to come to Abuja, on the 2nd of March, 2017 based on a petition by GTB that the Company had diverted N1.1Billion of GTB’s money. The Police were shocked to find during interrogation of GTB staff that the claimed sum was an accumulation of interest on the principal sum of N186Million.
“GTB has always known that the alleged debt is disputed because of the unscrupulous banking practices employed by GTB in dealing with Ceecon Energy oil & Gas Limited and Ceecon has continued to insist on a joint reconciliation of the account.
An example of these discrepancies are two demand notices by GTB dated 27th June 2011 stating that Ceecon owes N35,566,000 and yet another Demand Notice by the same GTB dated 25th October 2011 claiming N592,610,102.81 from the same account and the same transaction. Yet GTB bluntly refused a joint reconciliation of the account.
“Based on the above, it is mind boggling and very disturbing that GTB and other detractors would be brandishing such a humongous sum of money as N2BILLION, which diversion could never have been possible in view of the entire chronicle of events” it purely and banker/customer disagreement.
It is very clear that there is an orchestration to tarnish the image of Chima Anyaso and to malign his character. That this is happening on the eve of elections raises a lot of questions and raises many suspicion. It is interesting that only a few weeks ago the Chima Anyaso Campaign organization had warned of a plot by his opponent and detractors to attack his person.
The statement called on the media to always verify it stories before publishing, it stated that “while we are committed to seeing the court process continue, we call on the Nigerian media, journalists, editors and publishers of both mainstream and online media to always verify stories before going public”.
“It is important to seek the views and comment of all affected parties in any matter before publishing, so that there will be balance. It is against all known journalism ethics in any free world to resort to name calling and undue sensational reports without a proper investigation” the statement reads.