Sunday, June 02, 2019

Blogger Blessing Okoro Finally Apologies To Nigerians For Lying

Blessing Okoro apologises to Nigerians, most especially her fans for lying about a house that doesn’t belong to her, but she claimed was hers.
Trouble had started for the blogger last week when she claimed a mansion belonging to a rather unknown billionaire Onye Eze Money was hers.
Onye Eze, an Igbo business man based in China, got wind of her deception and exposed her online. Yet Blessing kept insisting the house was hers and she shared the plan of a house as proof.
She however apologized and wrote that she took responsibility for every thing that happened and such will never happen again:
Hey lovers.. I know it has been crazy lately and I am sincerely sorry.. I take responsibility for everything.. I hate that I had to put my friends and everyone else who looked up to me in this position.. Like everyone else I had goals set up for the year and one of them was to finish my house before my 30th birthday and it was a resolution I had layed out in public but because of certain reasons I couldn’t meet up the dead line and that put me under a mental pressure for success.
I was impatient which led to beating myself too hard and I could have done better.. I AM REALLY SORRY I LET YOU ALL DOWN…I know better now.. I know not to go ahead of my victory and have small wins celebration. Here’s to everyone under any sort of pressure.
I had to experience a major meltdown to learn that patience is virtue.. Its only going to take a little time but the lines will eventually fall in pleasant places.. And for the incessant calls and text messages from my loved ones that were terrified seeing me on cuffs I was never arrested or detained and no police officers was associated with the act .it was thier best form of proving a point.
But i am grateful to everyone who stood by me, I hope you still find a place in your heart to forgive ,love me and accept me as the crazy happy girl you have always loved .
Thanks for not giving up on me entirely.