Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Nollywood Actress Clarion Chukwurah Becomes Born-again, Joins Christ's Army

Veteran Nollywood actress, Clarion Chukwurah has revealed that she has found Jesus Christ and is now a born again Christian.
The 54-year-old actress made this known on her social media page where she revealed that Christ saved her and that she is devoting her life to save others.
Chukwura, who will be 55 on July 24, gave a testimony on her new relationship with Jesus Christ on Instagram.

“My Testimony; As an Actress, I played the role of the Bitch and life was all about Glamour and Glitz, and though I was the Humanitarian, I didn’t realise that with CHRIST there are no half measures. But, Today, HE has saved me – John 3 : 16 and like the Apostle Paul – Romans 1 : 16 and I will Glorify His Name because HE has empowered me for others to be saved – Acts 1 : 8. Jesus Christ is the ULTIMATE…do you know HIM? Are you saved? Do you have a one on one relationship with Jesus Christ today like i do? If so, what is your Testimony?”

Clarion who now runs C.C. Helpline Initiative and Jerusalem Media, has even posted a video in which she praises the ‘Lord Jesus Christ’.